As per the Sagarpa Numbers , Including 4 states of Mexico Seeding done in 165-170K Hectares for 2018 Crop , with yield of 1.9 MT /HA , Production estimates is around 315 K MT +/- 10% . This year with some frost in Hermosillo and high temperature during all the planting time , Bigger sizes % witnessed less compare to every year, Out of total size of crop 70 % approx. are only the bigger sizes , which is normally 82-85% in past years. So out of total crop size 70 % , 220 K MT are bigger sizes 15 -11 MM ( 34-46 AO ) and rest 30 % , 100 K MT approx are smaller sizes 10-7 MM ( 46-90 AO )
“Honesty is a very expensive gift. Don’t expect it from cheap people ” - Warren Buffett